Sep. 6, 2022

Set Up and Test MSCCL

This article contains some straightforward instructions for getting MSCCL up and running on a cluster. It assumes that lmod contains the necessary dependencies (CUDA, MPI, etc.). If you’re running on a cluster without lmod, you may need to install these dependencies manually.

Build Parts

The first part of this article will be focused on building all parts necessary for MSCCL.

Set Environment Variables

If you’re running on a cluster with Slurm, you can load the CUDA module:

module load cuda

Then, NVCC can be located with the following. Some software may need this as an environment variable:

export NVCC_LOCATION=$(which nvcc)

The CUDA home directory can be set the same way:

export CUDA_HOME=$(echo "${NVCC_LOCATION}" | sed 's/\/bin\/nvcc//g')

MPI is also used during the testing process, so we’ll set an environment variable for that too (note that different systems may use different paths!):

export MPI_HOME=/opt/apps/mpi/mpich-3.4.2_nvidiahpc-21.9-0

Build NCCL

MSCCL uses NCCL under the hood for some things, so we’ll need to build NCCL. The first step is to clone the NCCL repository from GitHub:

git clone
pushd nccl

To reduce the time it takes to build/compile, we can specify the architecture using another environment variable. A100 GPUs require CUDA version 11.0+, so I’ll use ‘80’ here. (Note: You can take a look at the makefiles/ file to see a full list):

export NVCC_GENCODE="-gencode=arch=compute_80,code=sm_80"

To run the build, we can use make. (Note: You may run out of memory! Either allocate more on your node, or add an argument after the -j):

make -j

Now we can set NCCL-related environment variables that other steps require:

export NCCL_HOME=$(echo "$(pwd)/build")

We also need to modify LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH:

export PATH="${PATH}:${NCCL_HOME}/include"

Now we can go back to the main project directory:



The first step is to clone the MSCCL repository from GitHub:

git clone
pushd msccl

Then, MSCCL can be built using make:

make -j

We can now go back to the main project directory:


Build NCCL Tests

Like the other parts, the first step is to download the NCCL Tests repository from GitHub:

git clone
pushd nccl-tests

Now we can build the tests (with MPI support!):

make MPI=1 -j

We can go back to the main project directory now:


Run MSCCL Tests

If running on a cluster, we’ll need two modules (CUDA and MPI):

module load cuda
module load mpi

Then, we’ll make sure we have CUDA in our shared libraries (Ignore this step if you’re continuing directly from the previous sections; you’ve already done this!):

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/21.9/cuda/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"

We’ll need to add MSCCL’s libraries too:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=msccl/build/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Now we can move on to preparing and running the test. We can use environment variables here:

export MSCCL_XML_FILES=test.xml

To actually run the test, we can use mpirun. There are many flags that can be configured depending on the cluster/machine you’re running the test on:

# MPI flags:
# -np = Number of copies to run on each node
# NCCL-tests flags:
# --minbytes, -b = Minimum size to start with (sizes to scan)
# --maxbytes, -e = Maximum size to end at (sizes to scan)
# --stepfactor, -f = Multiplication factor between sizes
# --ngpus, -g = Number of GPUs per thread
# --check, -c = Check correctess of results (slow when using many GPUs)
# --iters, -n = Number of iterations
# --warmup_iters, -w = Number of warmup iterations (not timed)
# --cudagraph, -G = Capture iterations as a CUDA graph then replay <specified> number of times
# --blocking, -z = Make NCCL collective blocking (i.e. CPUs wait andd sync after each collective)

mpirun -np 1 nccl-tests/build/all_reduce_perf \
        --minbytes 128 \
        --maxbytes 32MB \
        --stepfactor 2 \
        --ngpus 1 \
        --check 1 \
        --iters 100 \
        --warmup_iters 100 \
        --cudagraph 100 \
        --blocking 0

You should see the test run and give you an output. You have successfully run MSCCL!